2022 brought many challenges for the financial sector as we continued to feel the long-tail effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Financial strain for borrowers.
Increased regulatory compliance requirements for lenders.
Climbing interest rates and inflation.
Just to name a few.
Despite these challenges, our industry continued to exhibit agility and adaptability. Along the way, Allied Solutions has been dedicated to conducting research and spotlighting industry trends that provide the financial sector with valuable insights. Before we flip the calendar to 2023, we rounded up our top thought leadership resources for you. Check them out:
1. Digital Transformation Checklist for Financial Institutions
The implications of digital transformation have come a long way this year. As consumer expectations shift, financial institutions are accelerating digital tools and best practices to accommodate. This checklist highlights the essentials that lenders must implement to evolve and grow in the Experience Age.
2. How to Talk Finance White Paper
Providing your audience with digital tools is an excellent start to assuring customer satisfaction, but knowing each audience specifically is ever so critical. This white paper breaks down every generation, from the Silent Generation to the Mini Millennials (Gen Alpha), and identifies how and why each demographic spends their money. Knowing the needs and priorities of each generation will help you anticipate their unique financial needs.
3. What Happens After the Natural Disaster eBook
Does your financial institution have a preparedness plan for when a natural disaster strikes? As your accountholders’ trusted institution, you must be prepared to respond to the immediate situation and support accountholders three months, six months, and even a year after the natural disaster. This eBook and checklist create a toolkit to help mitigate losses and build a natural disaster preparedness plan to respond to any disaster.
4. How to Establish a Risk Management Strategy White Paper
It has never been so important to have a risk management strategy that protects collateral assets and minimizes losses as it is this year. This white paper recaps 2022 trends and compares multiple years of economic data in both the auto and housing sectors to capture a picture of industry trends and the heightened importance of establishing a collateral risk management strategy.
5. The State of GAP and CPI reports
The ancillary product Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) continues to be a valuable support for borrowers and a source of revenue for lenders. Additionally, Collateral Protection Insurance (CPI) is critical for comprehensive portfolio protection for lenders. These quarterly reports delve into economic factors impacting these two products and uncover how financial institutions can leverage them for prudent, well-rounded risk management.
Download the State of GAP and the State of CPI reports
6. Let's Talk Fraud Q&A Resources
Let’s Talk Fraud is our quarterly deep dive of what’s happening in the fraud world related to the financial sector. Quarter-over-quarter, financial institutions are concerned about the rise in ACH, loan, payment app, and card fraud, and are looking for employee and accountholder education to prevent these types of fraud. In these resources, our risk experts answer frequently asked fraud questions and provide practical takeaways and action items.
Download the Fraud Prevention Q&A resource and Thwarting Online & Payment Card Fraud resource
Stay in the know in 2023 with Allied Insights! Our e-newsletters include monthly and quarterly round-ups of resources like these, plus news, trends, and other industry insights. Sign up here.